Showing 26 - 50 of 423 Results
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrography from the Laboratories of the Sheffield Scientifi... by Penfield, Samuel Lewis, Pir... ISBN: 9781145941106 List Price: $39.75
Rocks and rock minerals (1913) by Pirsson, Louis Valentine ISBN: 9780217792264 List Price: $30.66
Rocks and Rock Minerals: A Manual of the Elements of Petrology Without the Use of the Micros... by Pirsson, Louis Valentine ISBN: 9781142908515 List Price: $39.75
Pathologie Spciale Ou Descriptive Des Principaux Animaux Domestiques (French Edition) by Delwart, Louis Valentin ISBN: 9781145950665 List Price: $45.75
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrography from the Laboratories of the Sheffield Scientifi... by Penfield, Samuel Lewis, Pir... ISBN: 9781145631175 List Price: $39.75
Rocks and Rock Minerals: A Manual of the Elements of Petrology Without the Use of the Micros... by Pirsson, Louis Valentine ISBN: 9781142241599 List Price: $39.75
Rocks and Rock Minerals: A Manual of the Elements of Petrology Without the Use of the Micros... by Pirsson, Louis Valentine ISBN: 9781144288943 List Price: $38.75
Rocks and rock minerals by Pirsson, Louis Valentine ISBN: 9781458968012 List Price: $14.66
Geology of the Little Belt Mountains, Montana: With Notes On the Mineral Deposits of the Nei... by Weed, Walter Harvey, Pirsso... ISBN: 9781142528003 List Price: $35.75
A Text-Book of Geology for Use in Universities: Physical Geology, by Louis V. Pirsson... Pt.... by Schuchert, Charles, Pirsson... ISBN: 9781143150333 List Price: $38.75
Official Report of the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists: Held at St. Louis, Missour... by Porter, Valentine Mott ISBN: 9781142570002 List Price: $36.75
Be My Valentine! by Wigand, Molly, Peters, Jame... ISBN: 9780689830655 List Price: $5.99
Histoire Politique Des Grandes Querelles Entre L'Empereur Charles V, Et Francois I, Roi De F... by De Goetzmann, Louis Valentin ISBN: 9781104176747 List Price: $31.95
Histoire Politique Des Grandes Querelles Entre L'Empereur Charles V, Et Francois I, Roi De F... by De Goetzmann, Louis Valentin ISBN: 9781104214210 List Price: $46.95
Rocks and Rock Minerals: A Manual of the Elements of Petrology Without the Use of the Micros... by Pirsson, Louis Valentine ISBN: 9780554555416 List Price: $33.99
Rocks and Rock Minerals: A Manual of the Elements of Petrology Without the Use of the Micros... by Pirsson, Louis Valentine ISBN: 9780554555430 List Price: $38.75
Rocks and Rock Minerals: A Manual of the Elements of Petrology Without the Use of the Micros... by Pirsson, Louis Valentine ISBN: 9780554555478 List Price: $37.75
Rocks and Rock Minerals: A Manual of the Elements of Petrology Without the Use of the Micros... by Pirsson, Louis Valentine ISBN: 9780554555492 List Price: $31.99
Les Quatre Ages De La Pairie De France V1 (1775) (French Edition) by De Goezmann, Louis-Valentin ISBN: 9781104990718 List Price: $33.95
Biographical Memoir Of James Dwight Dana, 1813-1895 (1919) by Pirsson, Louis Valentine ISBN: 9781120163592 List Price: $16.95
Rocks and rock minerals (1908) by Pirsson, Louis Valentine ISBN: 9780217279130 List Price: $14.51
Les Quatre Ages De La Pairie De France V1 (1775) (French Edition) by De Goezmann, Louis-Valentin ISBN: 9781120091789 List Price: $48.95
St. Mary's Seminary and Catholics at Large Vindicated, Against the Pastoral Letter of the Mi... by Dubourg, Louis William Vale... ISBN: 9781146742504 List Price: $25.75
Mmoires De Valentin Conrart, Premier Secrtaire Perptuel De L'acadmie Franaise: Suivis Des Mm... by Monmerqu, Louis-Jean-Nicola... ISBN: 9781147780604 List Price: $37.75
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